State Agency "State Reserve and Wartime Stocks"
ul. "Moskovska" № 3
1000 Sofia
GPS coordinates: 42.69752109022276, 23.326315082744248
+359 (2) 921 02 01, +359 (2) 921 02 19 and +359 (2) 921 03 10 (Head Office)
Office of the President: +359 (2) 921 02 27
Office hours:
Tuesday from 15:30 to 17:30
Thursday from 15:30 to 17:30
[email protected] (also applicable for media inquiries)
Fax: +359 (2) 987 79 77
Invoice details:
State Agency "State Reserve and Wartime Stocks"
Address: 3 Moskovska Street, 1000 Sofia
MOL: Assen Asenov
UIC 831913661
VAT NO BG831913661